<< A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


“A” record, assign IP address – see DNS, assign name to IP address



common ports – see ports, common

connectivity test – see:

connectivity to several PCs in an OU, test

Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Server ad11 -SearchBase "OU=IT,OU=yourOU,DC=yourDomain,DC=com" Where {Test-Connection $_.Name -Count 1 -Quiet} | Select @{Name="Computername";Expression={$_.Name}}

connect to a server on a port, test

Can I connect to the vSQL5 server over port 1433 (default SQL Server port):

(New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("vSQL5",1433)).Connected

should return True or False


Test-NetConnection -ComputerName vSQL5 -Port 1433

connections (TCP) and listening ports – see also ports, established (used)

netstat -an

The -a option shows all connections and listening ports, and the -n option displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form without resolving names.

filter for a port, 686 in this case

netstat -an | findstr :636


default gateway, set – see – IP address, mask, default gateway – assign to computer you‘re on

DHCP addresses/MAC addresses

first, I usually find DHCP servers in our domain


then, choose one - let’s say ourDHCPServer

Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName ourDHCPServer.ourDomain.com | foreach {Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -computername ourDHCPServer.ourDomain.com -allleases -ScopeId ($_.ScopeId)}

DHCP servers, list for this domain


If this displays DHCP servers that are obviously obsolete, see remove old DHCP servers (not PowerShell)

  1. Start Adsiedit.msc
  2. Open the configuration Container
  3. Expand Services
  4. Expand Net Services
  5. On the right hand side you will find a record named CN=DHCPRoot
  6. Right Click the CN=DhcpRoot entry and then click Properties
  7. Highlight DhcpServers Attribute and click Edit

DNS, assign IP address to name (“A” record) – see DNS, assign name to IP address

DNS, assign name to IP address (“A” record)

register the computer’s name and static IP

ipconfig /registerdns

the command above creates a dynamic instead of a static DNS entry

Is this DNS name already assigned an IP address? If you”re running from your own PC, it”ll just assume your PC is a DNS server and, if it isn’t (it probably isn’t), it’ll squawk. That’s why you must specify the "Computername" pointing to your DNS server (which is often your domain controller or DC).

(Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -Computername dc1.myold.school.edu -ZoneName "myold.school.edu" -Name "SteelyDan").RecordData

Command above verifies that this DNS name still has the old IP assigned to it. To update to the new IP:

$OldObj = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -Computername dc1.myold.school.edu -ZoneName "myold.school.edu" -Name "SteelyDan" -RRType "A"
$NewObj = [ciminstance]::new($OldObj)
$NewObj.RecordData.IPv4Address = [System.Net.IPAddress]::parse("")
Set-DnsServerResourceRecord -Computername dc1.myold.school.edu -NewInputObject $NewObj -OldInputObject $OldObj -ZoneName "myold.school.edu" -PassThru

DNS, resolve name to IP address (“A” record) – see also reverse IP lookup

This is probably best place to start:

$name = "snoopy"
try {
    $dns = Resolve-DnsName -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop
    $resolvedName = $dns.Name
    $IP = $dns.IPAddress
Catch {
    $resolvedName = "not resolved"
    $IP = "not found"
Write-Host "$serverName $resolvedName $IP"

If you already have the ZoneName, then this:

(Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -Computername dc1.myold.school.edu -ZoneName "myold.school.edu" -Name "SteelyDan").RecordData

DNS, list forward lookup zones

$zones = Get-DnsServerZone -ComputerName DC1
$zones | ? {$_.ZoneName -like "*.edu"} | select ZoneName, ZoneType | sort ZoneName

DNS, list zone transfers for forward lookup zones

This gets lists for all DCs in the domain you’re in because DCs’ zone transfers are not necessarily the same for all the Forward Lookup Zones

# get all domain servers
$DomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
$DCList = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -Server $DomainName | sort HostName
$i=0; $domainCount = $DCList.Count

$result = @()
foreach $DC in $DCList) {
    $i++; $domainServerPercentTxt = ($i/$domainCount).ToString("P")
    Write-Host "domain $i of $($domainCount) ($domainServerPercentTxt): $($DC.HostName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $zonesThisDC = Get-DnsServerZone -ComputerName $DC.HostName
    # only look at forward zones and no stubs
    $forwardZonesNotStub = $zonesThisDC | ? {$_.IsReverseLookupZone -eq $false -and $_.ZoneType -ne "Stub"}
    $j = 0; $zoneCount = $forwardZonesNotStub.Count
    foreach ($zone in $forwardZonesNotStub) {
        $j++; $zonePercentTxt = ($j/$zoneCount).ToString("P")
        Write-Host " domain # $i, zone $j of $($zoneCount) ($zonePercentTxt): $($zone.ZoneName)" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        $NotifyServersList = $zone.NotifyServers -join(", ")
        $SecondaryServerList = $zone.SecondaryServers -join(", ")
        $result += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            "DomainName" = $DC.HostName
            "ZoneName" = $zone.ZoneName
            "ZoneType" = $zone.ZoneType
            "Notify" = $zone.Notify
            "NotifyServersList" = $NotifyServersList
            "NotifyServers" = $zone.NotifyServers
            "SecureSecondaries" = $zone.SecureSecondaries
            "SecondaryServerList" = $SecondaryServerList

# display results
$result = $result | select DomainName, ZoneName, ZoneType, Notify, NotifyServersList, SecureSecondaries, SecondaryServerList
$result | ogv

DNS, reverse DNS entries for range of IPs

this gets range from through

$IPFirstATwoOctets = "191.168"
$result = @()
$3rdOctetBegin = 116
$3rdOctetEnd = 117
$3rdOctetCount = $3rdOctetEnd - $3rdOctetBegin + 1
$4thOctetCount = 254
for ($i=$3rdOctetBegin; $i -le $3rdOctetEnd; $i++) {
    $k++ # count our 3rd octed, starting with 1 - even though we might start at some higher number up to 254
    $percent3rdOctetTxt = ($k/$3rdOctetCount).ToString("P0") # no decimal
    for ($j=1; $j -le 254 ;$j++) {
        $percent4thOctetTxt = ($j/$4thOctetCount).ToString("P1") # 1 decimal
        $IP = "$IPFirstATwoOctets.$i.$j"
        $IPPadZeroes = ($IP.Split(".") | % {$_.PadLeft(3,"0")}) -join "." # to sort
        $messagePrefix = "$k of $($3rdOctetCount) 3rd octet ($percent3rdOctetTxt), $j of $($4thOctetCount) ($percent4thOctetTxt) 4th octet:"
        try {
            $NameHost = (Resolve-DnsName $IP -ErrorAction Stop).NameHost
            Write-Color -Text $messagePrefix, "$IP ", "found!" -Color Gray, Cyan, Green
            $result += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                "IP" = $IP
                "IPPadZeroes" = $IPPadZeroes
                "NameHost" = $NameHost
        } catch {
            Write-Color -Text $messagePrefix, "$IP ", "not found!" -Color Gray, Blue, Red -BackGroundColor Black, Black, DarkYellow
            $NameHost = "missing"
            $result += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                "IP" = $IP
                "IPPadZeroes" = $IPPadZeroes
                "NameHost" = "missing"
$result = $result | select IP, IPPadZeroes, NameHost | sort IPPadZeroes
$result | ogv

or for a whole zone

$dnsServer = "dns1"
$reverseZones = Get-DnsServerZone -ComputerName $dnsServer | ?{$_.ZoneName -like "*in-addr.arpa"}
$i=0; $reverseZonesCount = $reverseZones.Count
$DnsRecords = @()
foreach ($zone in $reverseZones) {
    $i++; $percentZonesCountTxt = ($i/$reverseZonesCount).ToString("P")
    Write-Host "Processing Zone $i of $reverseZonesCount ($percentZonesCountTxt) - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    $zoneName = $zone.ZoneName.ToString()
    $zoneNameSectionCount = $zoneName.Split(".") | Measure-Object
    $extracted_part = $zoneName.Split(".")[0..1]
    if ($zoneNameSectionCount.Count -eq 4) {
        $zonePrefix = ($extracted_part -join ".")
        Write-Host "$i of $($count): $($zone.ZoneName) = $zonePrefix" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        # adjust hard-coded first two octets of the IP below to get the right zone
        $ptrRecords = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName $dnsServer -ZoneName 123.456.in-addr.arpa | ? {$_.RecordType -eq "PTR"} #| select HostName, RecordData
        $j=0; $countPtrRecords = $ptrRecords.Count
        foreach ($ptrRecord in $ptrRecords) {
        $j++; $percentPtrRecordsTxt = ($j/$countPtrRecords).ToString("P")
        $ipLastHalfArray = $ptrRecord.HostName.Split(".")
        $ipLastHalf = ($ipLastHalfArray -join ".")
        $ip = "$($zonePrefix).$($ipLastHalf)"
        Write-Host "$i of $reverseZonesCount ($percentZonesCountTxt)" -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline
        Write-Host "  $j of $countPtrRecords $($percentPtrRecordsTxt): $ip $($ptrRecord.RecordData.PtrDomainName.TrimEnd("."))" -ForegroundColor Green
        $DnsRecords += [PSCustomObject]@{
                IP = $ip
                DomainName = $ptrRecord.RecordData.PtrDomainName.TrimEnd(".")
    } else {
        $zonePrefix = $zoneName
        Write-Host "$i of $($count): $($zone.ZoneName) = $zonePrefix" -ForegroundColor red
} $DnsRecords = $DnsRecords | Sort-Object -Property IP | select IP, DomainName

DNS, set &ndash see DNS, assign name to IP address (“A” record)



firewall ports - see ports, firewall, see connect to a server on a port, test

firewall, configure for domains and trusts

are ports 53, 135, 445 & 3268 enabled?

Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -PolicyStore ActiveStore `
    | ? {($_.LocalPort -eq "53") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "135") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "389") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "445") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "3268 ")} `
    | Sort-Object LocalPort, Protocol | Format-Table -Property *

or more simply:

Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -PolicyStore ActiveStore `
    | ? {($_.LocalPort -eq "53") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "135") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "389") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "445") -or ($_.LocalPort -eq "3268")} `
    | Sort-Object LocalPort, Protocol | Format-Table Protocol, LocalPort, InstanceID

But not sure this is the right approach. This seems more centered on services rather than ports...

FQDN (fully qualified domain name) for a computer



gateway, set – see – IP address, mask, default gateway – assign to computer you‘re on



IP Address of the PC/Server from where you run command

# internal
Get-NetIPAddress | select IPAddress, InterfaceAlias, AddressFamily | ? {$_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4" -and $_.InterfaceAlias -notlike "Loopback*"} | ft -a
# external - often need to include "-UseBasicParsing" parameter if "Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete" or you'll get an error
(Invoke-WebRequest -uri "http://ifconfig.me/ip" -UseBasicParsing).Content
# external with latitude/longitude, city, state, zip info
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("http://ipinfo.io/"+(Invoke-WebRequest -uri "http://ifconfig.me/ip" -UseBasicParsing).Content)

This might give error:

Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again.

IP address, mask, default gateway – assign to computer you‘re on

$interfaceName = (Get-NetAdapter)[0].Name
$ipAddress = "" # sample IP address
$prefixLength = 24 #
# Extract the first three octets and append .1 for the default gateway
$defaultGateway = ($ipAddress -replace "\.\d+$", ".1")

IP address, assign to DNS name – see DNS, assign name to IP address

IP addresses, reserved

IP, find for DNS entry – see DNS, resolve name to IP address, reverse IP lookup

IP of computer, find name for

Get-ADComputer -property * -filter {ipv4address -eq ""} | select CN, SamAccountName, CanonicalName, DNSHostName, ObjectGUID

IP, external, yours

(Invoke-WebRequest ifconfig.me/ip).Content.Trim()

IP, regular expression to extract

if ($message -match "\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b") {$IPAddress = $matches[0]}

where $matches is an automatic array that‘s populated by the regex (if at least one match is found). In this case, if there‘s ore than one, we just take the first one.

IP, set – see – IP address, mask, default gateway – assign to computer you‘re on

IP with port, extract IP

Start with an array of $events, each with an IP immediately followed by a port number and a date/time

$events = @(
    [PSCustomObject]@{IP = ""; TimeCreated = "2024-04-04 08:30:00"},
    [PSCustomObject]@{IP = ""; TimeCreated = "2024-04-04 11:15:00"},
    [PSCustomObject]@{IP = ""; TimeCreated = "2024-04-04 10:11:00"},
    [PSCustomObject]@{IP = ""; TimeCreated = "2024-04-04 11:10:00"}

# Convert "TimeCreated" to actual DateTime objects
$events | % {$_.TimeCreated = Get-Date $_.TimeCreated}

# Extract the IP component (before the ":")
$IPwithoutPort = $events | % {
    $IPcomponent = ($_.IP -split ":")[0]
        IP = $IPcomponent
        TimeCreated = $_.TimeCreated
# Group by IP component and find the most recent TimeCreated
$groupByIPmostRecent = $IPwithoutPort | group -Property IP | % {$_.Group | sort -Property TimeCreated -Descending | select -First 1}

foreach ($mostRecent in $groupByIPmostRecent){
    $IP = $mostRecent.IP
    $mostRecent = $mostRecent.TimeCreated
    $daysAgo = New-TimeSpan -Start $mostRecent -End $now # Calculate the number of days between the most recent date/time and now
    $integerDaysAgo = [math]::Truncate($daysAgo.Days)
    $color = switch ($integerDaysAgo) {
        0 {"Red"}
        1 {"yellow"}
        Default {"Green"}
    Write-Host "most recent Event ID 2889 from $IP was at $mostRecent ($integerDaysAgo days ago)" -ForegroundColor $color

IP, reverse lookup – see reverse IP lookup

IPs for servers, list – see server IPs, list




LDAP server, find

nslookup -type=SRV _ldap._tcp.elephant.com

usually just lists domain controllers


MAC addresses associated with DHCP addresses - see DHCP addresses/MAC addresses

mask, set – see – IP address, mask, default gateway – assign to computer you‘re on


network connectivity for PCs – see connectivity to a bunch of PCs in an OU, test



ping alternative –

ports, common

port, connect to a server over, can I? – see connect to a server on a port, test

ports, established (used) – see also connections (TCP) and listening ports

Get-NetTCPConnection -State Established

seems to sort descending by LocalPort

Provides detailed information about TCP connections, including local and remote addresses, ports, connection state, and owning process ID.

ports, firewall

Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -PolicyStore ActiveStore | ? {$_.LocalPort -ne "any"} | Sort-Object LocalPort, Protocol | Format-Table -Property *



reverse IP lookup

$IP = ""

sometimes this works

Resolve-DnsName $IP

but this seems to work more consistently

$server = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($IP).Hostname

this gets more but you must have access to the DNS server

Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName "hardknocks.edu" -ComputerName "dns3.hardknocks.edu" | ? {$_.RecordData.IPv4Address -eq $IP}


server IPs, list

also lists OU; excludes servers with no IPs

$servers | sort {[regex]::Replace( $_.IPv4Address, "\d+", {$args.Value.PadLeft(3, "0") } )} | ? {$_.IPv4Address -ne $null} | select Name, IPv4Address, @{n="OU";e={$OU = ($_.DistinguishedName.Substring($_.DistinguishedName.IndexOf(",OU=")+1).Substring(0,$_.DistinguishedName.Substring($_.DistinguishedName.IndexOf(",OU=")+1).IndexOf(",DC=")) -replace "OU=", "").Split(",");[array]::Reverse($OU);$OU -join "/"}} |ogv


TCP connections and listening ports – see connections (TCP) and listening ports, also ports, established (used)

Test-Connection to test network connectivity using ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo requests (commonly known as “ping”). It does not directly test connectivity over specific ports. – see also Test-NetConnection to test connectivity to a specific port on a remote host, connectivity to a bunch of PCs in an OU, test


Test-NetConnection to test connectivity to a specific port on a remote host. – see also Test-Connection to test network connectivity using ICMP does not directly test connectivity over specific ports, connectivity to a bunch of PCs in an OU, test

The default port used for TCP port connectivity checks is 80 (HTTP).

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "MutantNinjaTurtles" -Port 1433

will try to communicate with server over port 1433 (SQL Server)







zone transfers (DNS) – see DNS, list zone transfers for forward lookup zones