<< A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



apache for windows download



carriage return – \n

command line

cmd /c assoc .php=phpfile

followed with

cmd /c ftype phpfile="C:\php8_2\php.exe" -f "%1" -- %~2

concatenate – .


<title>PHP Output</title>






<p>First poet is <?=$strPoetFname." ".$strPoetLname1?></p>

<p>Second poet is <?=$strPoetFname." ".$strPoetLname2?></p>

<p>Third poet is <?="John"." "."Tennyson"?></p>


configuration – /etc/php.ini by default in windows or whereever you select in Windows (or see php.ini)




Foreign Key hack with message containing doco how to use

phpLens – $550/yr, $1,650 for perpetual license

directories – /usr/share/php and /usr/include/php

documentation – /usr/share/doc

download PHP




error log

It's turned off by default. Name defined in php.ini. But not the location. You might start trying with:

php --info | findstr /r /c:"error_log"

But that only returns the error log file’s name, not its path



Fresh Meat – projects





PHAkt open–source PHP extension for Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, allowing PHP generation using the same techniques as when developing ASP/JSP/CF

PHP Coder – (PHPIDE)

Komodo $295


Zend Studio Personal Edition – free

Zend Studio – $195 – see also Zend Optimizer (free)

IIS, how to install PHP 5.2 onto IIS 5.1

1)      Install with only the option: "IIS 4+ / ISAPI"

2)      Install under folder "C:\PHP\"      Don’t accept default “C:\Program Files\PHP” ‘cause later in step 4 the space in “Program Files” causes “wrong executable” error

3)      Edit the file: "C:\PHP\php.ini" (or see php.ini)

Change "doc_root = " to "doc_root = c:\Inetpub\www\ "

4)      Open IIS, right click on “Web Sites”, Properties.

Click home directory tab.

Click Configuration, look for the extension ".php".

The executable path should be "C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll"       If you installed PHP under default “C:\Program Files\PHP”, you’ll get “wrong executable” error

C:\PHP\php–cgi.exe also seems to work

5)      Restart IIS

info - display info about your PHP installation. Create a file named, phpinfo.php. All it needs is just one line:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Put that file into your site's root directory and then navigate to it.

installation on windows




libraries – see also templates



magic_quotes_gpe – /etc/php.ini (or see php.ini)

mail script 1, 2


MySQL Front – discontinued





path – if include_path is set in php.ini, then it is ignored except for informational purposes; phpinfo reports what include_path in php.ini contains but scripts cannot find files. Default include_path works. Setting include_path via http.conf php_value works.

PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components – found in the php–devel rpm


Where ought it to be found? In the php directory root. Where's the php directory? With Windows, you get to choose when you install. You might put it in “C:\php”, for instance. In Linux, it might very well be in \etc.

But there is no “php.ini” when you first install. Instead, you get a couple of templates – php.ini-development and php.ini-production – in the root php directory. Choose one to copy or save as “php.ini”.

PHP Builder



phpWizard – supposedly had  a light–version of the source–code editor Maguma PHP4EE Studio but apparently not


question mark – $var == "something" ? "is something" : "not something";


Redisplay form with error messages – see Autofilled PHP Forms

restart after changing php.ini: need to restart web server (apache, httpd)


scripts – see libraries, templates


templates – see also libraries

smarty template engine


undefined function: mysql_pconnect() – run <?php phpinfo(); ?> in a page







zend optimizer
