<< A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



access log – /var/log/httpd/access_log

error log – /var/log/httpd/error_log

home directory – /var/www/html

restart – see also process, restart

"old" way

ps aux | grep httpd

kill term –TERM 1234

httpd restart

"new" way

System/Service Configuration - a lot easier and more foolproof!

Appletalk – see netatalk

also afpd, sfpd -v to get version

ps -aux | grep afpd

ps -aux | grep papd

to see if Appletalk’s running. "afpd" stands for something like "appletalk file protocol daemon"

apt-get – Debian package installer - apt-get install package name.   The location where apt-get looks for updates is: /etc/apt/sources.list


backup – tar -cvF /dev/qft0 /

Exclude /proc and /dev from your backup

bind - see DNS

bpi to ftpi – 4 bpi (bits per inch) = 5 ftpi (flux transactions per inch)

browse the network in windows – see samba, allow windows machines to browse the network


carriage return - see UNIX to Windows, convert

cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver.

add an entry to the linux section of /etc/lilo.conf:


Also, I am guessing you have another CDROM on hdc? If so, many people have reported that if they have two drives on the same IDE interface cable, they have a hard time getting ide-scsi working unless they use it for both drives. So you also might want to include in /etc/lilo.conf:


Then execute /sbin/lilo and reboot.

CD-ROM, mount: mount /mnt/cdrom , unmount: umount /mnt/cdrom

changing permissions of 'file_name': Operation not permitted - see chmod command results in "changing permissions of 'file_name': Operation not permitted"

chmod 777 *.* to set permissions to allow everything, chmod 755 also

chmod command results in "changing permissions of 'file_name': Operation not permitted"

lsattr file_name - if you get anything besides a bunch of dashes, like --ia-----, it means immutable or the like

chattr -i -a file_name to get rid of these

chmod o-w - remove write permissions for "others" - other choices are "u" for "user", "g" for "group"; "r" for "read", "x" for "execute"

– chown person.person <file_name>

command, find – whereis command

command won’t run even when you’re in the right directory – precede command with “./”

conf.modules in the /etc/ directory – it’s now /etc/modules.conf

convert UNIX carriage returns to Windows - see UNIX to Windows, convert

copy files from one machine to another - scp

copy files from Windows to remote Linux box – WinSCP

cpu info - /cat /proc/cpuinfo



cd installs

decrypt using gpg – see gpg, encrypt

delete files older than –

find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;

you need the “;” at the end.   Replace “7” with however many days old you want; the example above will delete everything older than 7 days

the maxdepth and mindepth prevent the program from going deeper than the current directoy

you can replace “.” with whatever directory you want.  “.” means the current directory.


rm `find /some/directory -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -mtime +7 -print`

or, if there are too many files to handle that way,

find /some/directory -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -mtime +7 -print | xargs -n 1 rm

delete files recursively – see recursively delete files

devices, list – ls -l /dev/*ft0*


stop – ps -aux | grep dhcpd

start - dhcpd

dir – ls>

directory, create – mkdir or mkdir – adirectory/anotherdirectory/yetanother.  If portions of the path already exist, those portions are preserved and missing portions are added to the path

directory, pointing to another directory – symbolic link (man ln)

disk error messages – dmesg | tail

disk, how 2nd internal disk is partitioned – cfdisk /dev/hdb

disk space utilization – see also partition, how 2nd internal disk is partitioned

  1. df -h – no interaction, display only
  2. cfdisk – an interactive way to control partions

distribution list for email - /etc/aliases


First, set bind

Edit /etc/bind/10.zone

And edit /etc/bind/local.zone

Then run /etc/init.d/bind9 restart

Then dhcp

Edit /etc/dhcpd.conf

Then run /etc/init.d/dhcp restart

documentation -- /usr/share/doc


elementary distro - things to do after installing elementary OS - luna

problem with HDA Intel - stac92xx analog - solution

email distribution list - /etc/aliases


exit emacs – C-x, C-c

encrypt using gpg – see gpg, encrypt

environment variable, set – export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/ant to set the ANT_HOME environment variable, for instance

/etc/conf.modules – it’s now /etc/modules.conf


Failed opening './config.inc.php' for inclusion - chmod 755 config.inc.php

fetchmail – /usr/share/doc/fetchmail

files, copy from one machine to another - scp

files, copy from Windows to remote Linux box – WinSCP

files, find - find . <path> -name "name_including_wild_cards".   The dot makes the search go down into subdirectories.  If you then want to delete all these guys, recursively delete files

files that are open, find - lsof (LiSt Open Files)

find files – see files, find

firewall problems preventing access to port 80 – see ipchains, iptables, firewall-config

firewall rules – /etc/sysconfig/ipchains

format hard drive – see partition disk

freetrade install

move the whole directory to under /var/www/html

create an empty “freetrade” database under MySQL

add the line “use freetrade;” at the beginning of the /install/mysql/build.sql script

start Netscape, http://localhost/…

freeware, Windows equivalents / replacements / analogs  in Linux

fsck – you must run fsck -A -y /dev/hda2, not just fsck all by itself!!

ftmt -f /dev/qft0 status

ftp, can't log on when user is member or root - edit /etc/ftpaccess and comment out

deny-uid %-99 %65534-

deny-gid %-99 %65534-


putting the in following at the end of the file is not enough


pasv-allow all *

port-allow all *

ftp configuration - KWuFTPd

ftp, prevent people from seeing files - clear the 'read' permission bit for 'other' (not the directory's owner or group)

ftp, Restrict user’s FTP directory

Restrict his directory

groupadd ftponly

Add the line "guestgroup ftponly" to /etc/ftpaccess file

usermod -G ftponly bob

Add /./ to the end of the home directory in /etc/passwd so that "/home/bob" becomes /home/bob/./

Add far-flung directories

make empty directory /home/bob/catalog

mount --bind /var/lib/interchange/bob /home/bob/catalog

Add the line above to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

ftp, secure alternative to copy from Windows to Linux using SCP – WinSCP

ftpi to bpi – 5 ftpi (flux transactions per inch) = 4 bpi (bits per inch)


gpg commands

gpg --gen-key – create a new primary keypair

gpg --list-keys

gpg, encrypt – gpg -ca filename – filename renamed to filename.asc; rm filename once you’ve converted.  To decrypt: gpg filename.asc

gpg, location of key rings – /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg

gpg, get to work with interchange – copy /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg to /var/lib/interchange/.gnupg/

gpg path – /usr/bin<

graphics manipulation from the command line

grep -R string . (the “.” means this directory)

groups, managing


gpasswd -a username groupname (“-a” for “add”, “-d” for “delete”)

group, add – groupadd -g groupname

group, add a user to – usermod -G groupname username

GUI, change – “switchdesk” from command line

GUI, get into from command line – startx

GUI, Start with instead of command line–Edit the file /etc/inittab and change the line reading "id:3:initdefault:" by changing the 3 to a 5


home directory for a user - /var/home/user

Hosts, change – see

hosts file - /etc/dhcpd.conf, /etc/bind/artselect/192.168.2.zone:128

then /etc/init.d/dhcp restart to have changes take effect

http docs, location for in BSDI: /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs

httpd.conf - /etc/httpd/conf


image manipulation from the command line

IMAP – change to from POP

If possible, log on as the user who’s going to get the mail to avoid permissions problems

See if there is a “Maildir” directory in the /var/home/user directory.  If not, issue command: “maildirmake Maildir”.  Make sure the “M” is capitalized!  If you’re logged on as root when you do this, make sure you chown to change owner to the user

emacs /var/home/user/.mailfilter and comment out, “to /var/mail/user”

Change their shell from ‘true’ to ‘bash’ in /etc/passwd, if necessary

include_path problems - chmod 755 config.inc.php

inetd.conf file location- RedHat abandoned inetd in favor of xinetd in 7.x


interchange developers resource - latest version download

IP addresses, assign permanently

Get MAC address

First, get the MAC address of the device to which you want to assign an IP address.  If you don’t know:

If the device you want to map is a PC, then from the command line:

ipconfig /all

to get that machine’s MAC address

If the device is some other device such as a printer whose MAC address is not readily available, then look in:


By issuing command

Less syslog


Map MAC address to IP Address

There is a file that maps MAC addresses to static IP addresses:


To get any changes you make to this file to “take”

/etc/init.d/dhcp restart

And you should get the following messages in close succession

Stopping DHCP server: dhcp.

Starting DHCP server: dhcp.

Don’t just assume this works.  Any error message will show up in a log somewhere but you won’t get any immediate feedback that something happened.  So:

ps axf | grep dhcp

should yield something like

6526 pts/32   S      0:00 |               \_ grep dhcp

4593 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/dhcpd-2.2.x -q

ipchains – ipchains -L to list, ipchains -f to flush; see also iptables

iptables -L giving you problems running, saying things like “/lib/modules/2.4.2-2/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/iptables.o: init_module: Device or resource busy”

·ipchains –F

·rmmod ip_tables

·modprobe ip_tables

·now, running iptables -L should work OK


java path – /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin

jbuilder foundation won’t install – check /tmp disk space!


kernel, install – kernel-2.4.2-2.i586.rpm on disk 1, /RedHat/RPMS directory

KDE, get back to – “switchdesk” from command line


Linux source code – see kernel, install

locate command (such as “linuxconf”) – “locate linuxconf|grep bin” or “which linuxconf”

logs –

apache access_log –/var/log/httpd/access_log

apache error log – /var/log/httpd/error_log

login GUI – xdm after you login (seems dumb to me that you can’t use this AT the login prompt)

login with GUI instead of command line – Edit the file /etc/inittab and change the line reading "id:3:initdefault:" by changing the 3 to a 5

ls, listing just a few entries that match a string – ?


MAC address, assign to fixed IP address – see IP addresses, assign permanently

MAC address, determine - ifconfig

magic_quotes_gpe – /etc/php.ini

mail - /var/spool/mail/root

mail, relay – edit the /etc/mail/virtusertable and add entries such as

@somedomain.com    somename@somedomain.com

orders@somedomain.com    orders

@yourdomain.com         yourname@yourdomain.com

Then compile this table into /etc/mail/virtusertable.db.  From /etc/mail, run the following command:

makemap hash /etc/mail/virtusertable < /etc/mail/virtusertable

memory, how much – free, top

modules, list – lsmod

mouse, configure – go to shell, type “setup”

mouse configuration corrupt – delete or rename /etc/sysconfig/mouse

mount CD-ROM - see CD-ROM, mount

memory, how much – free, top


New driver

Name MySQL
Description ODBC MySQL
Driver /usr/local/unixODBC/lib/libmyodbc.so
Setup /usr/local/unixODBC/lib/libodbcmyS.so


Name freetrade
Description MySQL
Driver MySQL (greyed out)
Trace No
Trace file  
Server localhost
Port 3306
Name freetrade


create database – mysqladmin -u root [-p] create prova (“prova” is the name of the database you want to create)

run script – mysql <myscript.sql

start session – mysql -u user –p

show variables – “show variables”

shut down – mysqladmin -u root shutdown



If there are problems seeing a shared directory, delete all the .Apple* files, stop and start the netatalk service to re-create them

stop – /etc/init.d/netatalk stop

start – /etc/init.d/netatalk start

restart - /etc/init.d/netatalk restart

You should get something like:

Restarting AppleTalk Daemons (this will take a while)Stopping AppleTalk Daemons: afpd papd timelord atalkd.

..Starting AppleTalk services (this will take a while): socket: Address family not supported by protocol

socket: Address family not supported by protocol

atalkd: can't get interfaces, exiting.

 atalkd afpd papd.


Pertinent directories include:

/usr/lib/netatalk, /etc/netatalk

network, browse in windows – see samba, allow windows machines to browse the network

ntsysv – resides in /usr/sbin, tells what services start up


open files, find - lsof (LiSt Open Files)

Operation not permitted, changing permissions of  - see chmod command results in "changing permissions of 'file_name': Operation not permitted"

ownership – see chown


partition disk – see also disk space utilization, how 2nd internal disk is partitioned

use cfdisk, which opens up an interactive way to manipulate partitions.  Normally, specify which disk: cfdisk /dev/hda for the main disk, cfdisk /dev/hdb for the 2nd disk, etc.

After doing that, you have to create a filesystem on it:

mke2fs -j -m 0 /dev/hdb1

The -j makes it a journalling filesystem (ext3), and the -m 0 tells it not to reserve any blocks on the disk for the root user only.  (The reserved blocks are just so root can still do something if a non-root user fills up the disk.  The default is 5%, which might have made sense for 50MB disks, but it's preposterous for a 250GB disk.  Even 1% is ridiculous, and on a non-system disk like this it's completely unnecessary.)  You want to get the device name correct when doing this step :)  mke2fs might warn you if you try to overwrite /dev/hda1, but I'm not sure.  Pretty sure it won't stop you...

If you get strange messages

dmesg | tail

to look for error messages.

Now to point some "normal" directory, like /var/graphcs2, to this vast new partition

mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /var/graphics2

The "-t ext3" gives the filesystem type, and except for weird cases it's optional because the system will figure the type out for you.

Because you don't want to enter this manually each time the machine boots, you can put the entry in /etc/fstab, which lists each of the things that are to be mounted upon boot.  You will see other entries there for swap and whatnot.  The syntax is fairly straightforward, but you want to specify the "noatime" option along with "defaults".  Normally a Unix filesystem records every time a file is accessed (the access time, or "atime").  This is conceivably useful, but in practice not and just generates a lot of hammering on the disk to save the last-access times.  Turning it off can be a big savings on a server, and we never look at the data anyway.

One thing you might do is to put the disk on the other controller, the one with the CDROM.  If they're both on the primary controller they have to share the ide cable, while if you put it on the secondary controller they can both be accessed at the same time without slowing each other down.  The secondary master is /dev/hdc and the secondary slave is /dev/hdd.

password, change

1. "passwd joe" (or whatever id)

2. cd /etc; emacs shadow (must be root), you’ll see something like




each field on a line is delimited by “:”.  Delete everything in the 2nd field and replace it with “*”.  This 2nd method is great if you have to boot from a CD-ROM rescue disk

password, generate - pwgen

path, change temporarily – export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.3/bin:$PATH

path, change permanently – there is a directory /etc/profile.d. In that directory you will find several scripts for setting path information. Duplicate one of these for a java.sh or whatever, and put in the appropriate scripting information. Make sure you make the script executible by chmoding the file like this: chmod a+x . Now you should be able to login again and it will add the path for you properly. You may want to test that it got added before logging out to make sure the script works by typing: source at a prompt. If the prompt comes back and you can run the program you should be all set.

path does not include the path where the command you are trying to run so it won’t run even though you’re in the same directory where the command is – precede command with “./”

path to a running program, “which <program>” – e.g., “which apache” might return “/usr/sbin/apache”

path variable, see – echo $PATH

permissions – see groups, managing, chmod command problems

POP – userconf

ports – nmapfe from shell

process management – System/Process management.  See also ntsysv, tksysv

process, restart – often you can go to /etc/init.d and run one of the batch commands there with -restart or -reload as arguments

processes running

ps -aux ( | grep <string> to find processes related to something of interest, say, “smbd”)

ps -axf – displays a “tree”

processes taking up the most resources - top

processes, what processes start up automatically – ntsysv



Record commands – script <file name> - if you omit the file name, then defaults to “typescript” in whatever directory you issued the “script” command

recursively delete files – if it’s simple

rm <directory> -r


rm -R <directory>

Add a “-f” to forcibly suppress such messages as asking if you want to delete a write-protected file

rm -r -f <directory>

But let’s say you want to recursively delete all files named “Icon?” in the given directory and all subdirectories:

first, list what you’re going to delete just in case there are surprises:

find . -name "Icon?" | less


find . -name "Icon?" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

xargs limits the number of arguments passed on to the command. If necessary the command is invoked several times until all arguments on stdin have been processed.  -print0 causes the printed file names to be delimited by NULs, which is particularly useful if your file names contains spaces, tabs or even newlines. When using -print0 xargs should be invoked with -0 for proper parsing of the input.  Not sure whether the “-f” flag is to avoid a fork on xargs (if you don't, rm might fork and xargs may invoke a new rm repeatedly) or to force deletions on the rm command.

If you want to delete all files except of a certain type, a little trickier:

find /root/of/directory/to/purge ! -name \*.mp3 ! -type d ! -type l -print0 | xargs -0 rm –f

or perhaps (not sure about this):

find /root/of/directory/to/purge -type f \(! -name \*.mp3 \) -mtime -1 \ -print0 | xargs -0 rm –f

this will delete all files that do not have a name that ends in ".mp3", and not directories and are not symbolic links

remove – rm – see also recursively delete files

rename – mv



to install: rpm -i <name of your rpm> as root, and have it install.  This is much better than using the package installer that comes with KDE - especially if there are problems.  Using this from the command line will point out dependencies better.

Rescue -- To use the boot disk with rescue mode, you have several options:

Using the CD-ROM to boot, type linux rescue at the boot: prompt.

Using the network boot disk, type linux rescue at the boot: prompt. You will then be prompted to pull the rescue image from the network.

Using the boot disk included with the Red Hat Linux boxed set, type linux rescue at the boot: prompt. You then pick an installation method and choose a valid installation tree to load from.


samba – etc/samba/smb.cfg

samba, allow windows machines to browse the network

edit etc/samba/smb.cfg

set “wins support = yes”

samba, start – smdb -D -s (also, nmdb -D)

samba, stop – kill -TERM -a smbd (also, kill -TERM -a nmbd and kill -HUP -a inetd)

if you get

-su: kill: -a: no such pid

-su: kill: smbd: no such pid


- ps -aux  | grep smbd

find the number of the process you’re looking for, and kill it instead

schedule commands – run the “at” command, issue command, then Ctl-d.  For example, to activate and then deactivate mail forwarding

To activate at some future date: “at 8 am Monday”, then hit return.  Enter the “mv .forward.was .forward”.  Then hit “Ctl-d” to get out of that mode.

Similarly, to deactivate it even later, “at 5:30 1/4/2004”, hit return, enter “mv .forward .forward.was” and hit “Ctl-d”

To see both these jobs queued, type “atq”

scp [[user@]host1:]file1 [[user@]host2:]file2

SCP to securely copy files from Windows to remote Linux box – WinSCP

screen resolutions – (see video settings) xvidtune or edit /etc/X11/XF86Config (comment out lower refresh settings)

screen capture – xv

search for string – grep -R string . (the “.” means this directory)


restart – /etc/init.d/sendmail restart

sendmail.cf –config file that built from sendmail.mc – /etc/sendmail.cf

sendmail.mc – use to build sendmail.cf – /etc/mail/sendmail.mc

see http://www.redhat.com/support/resources/howto/RH-sendmail-HOWTO/c239.html#AEN245

rebuild sendmail.cf – m4 sendmail.mc > /etc/sendmail.cf

rebuild virtusertable.db from virtuser – makemap hash /etc/mail/virtusertable < virtusertable

service, what services start up automatically – ntsysv.  See also process management

Shell prompt – Control-F1 or F2

software, Windows equivalents / replacements / analogs  in Linux

source code for Linux – see kernel, install

spam – see SpamAssassin


news site – download page doesn’t work

Another site – download page does work

Settings: man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf , then emacs /var/home/joe/.spamassassin/user_prefs , add line at bottom: rewrite_subject 1

To re-direct spam to a subdirectory, ad the following code to /var/home/user/.mailfilter:

if (/^X-Spam-Flag: YES/)


    to "$HOME/Maildir/.spam"


If SpamAssassin doesn’t work:

check permissions of all files in the .spamassassin directory

make sure the .mailfilter file includes a line something like: xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc" – even if there is already something like: xfilter "/usr/local/anomy/bin/sanitizer.pl /etc/sanitizer.conf"

to test, go to /var/home/user/Maildir/cur and find an email whose file name might look something like: 1076016465.M469997P16329V0000000000000303I001EC18C_0.davinci,S=35182:2,S


cat '1076016465.M469997P16329V0000000000000303I001EC18C_0.davinci,S=35182:2,S' | /usr/bin/spamc

and the results should have the characteristic SpamAssassin assessment

ssh, create keys

Log on.  You should be in your home directory.

cd .ssh

ssh-keygen -t dsa  - this will generate a key.

Generating public/private dsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/var/home/joe/.ssh/id_dsa):

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Enter same passphrase again:

Your identification has been saved in /var/home/joe/.ssh/id_dsa.

Your public key has been saved in /var/home/joe/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.

The key fingerprint is:

87:8f:0b:36:9e:32:d6:b6:22:09:32:0b:52:5a:a0:12 joe@davinci

cat id_dsa.pub copy the contents of this file into the buffer

ssh renoir

The authenticity of host 'renoir (' can't be established.

RSA key fingerprint is 12:cd:9f:7a:44:7d:99:a2:3f:4a:84:71:9c:fb:3e:a5.

cd .ssh

emacs authorized_keys paste, exit, save.

Now you should be able to ssh directly into the remote server!

start with GUI instead of command line – see GUI, start with

start up, what things automatically start up – ntsysv

string, search for – grep -R string . (the “.” means this directory)

symbolic link, make – ln -s <directory>


tape, list contents – tar -tvf /dev/ftape

tape, test – ftmt -f /dev/qft0 status

tape, HP DAT 40 installation instructions

a couple helpful links:



commands to get the tape drive to be recognized by the system

cd /home/Moschak/Backup/tarz

./linux-aic7xxx-6.2.3-2.4.2-2rh.patch | patch –p1

insmod aic7xxx

command to see whether it worked

cat /proc/scsi/scsi

Look for HP DAT entry

To run Perfect Backup, execute the following 2 commands at a shell prompt:

xhost +


taper –T z


list what’s on the tape: tar -tvf /dev/ftape

tar.gz – Any file with a .gz suffix is compressed with GNU gzip. You can uncompress it with gunzip or gzip -d (both available by ftp from the GNU program archive at ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu), or if you have a recent version of tar you can uncompress is automatically while untarring it by giving tar the -z option (i.e. tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz).

task manager – ps –aux, see processes running

Theme, get back to KDE – “switchdesk” from command line

Themes – kdethemepark on Disk3, power tools

themes – If you have a some.tar.gz for a theme, just copy the entire some.tar.gz to /usr/share/apps/kthememgr/Themes and rename it to Some.ktheme.  You don't even have to extract it. I think that is pretty damn slick.

Tomcat path – /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.  Docs: /usr/doc/tomcat-3.1/uguide

Tomcat, start - /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh or, better yet, “tomcat start”

Travan-3 density: 44,250 ftpi = 35,400 bpi


umount: /mt/cdrom: device is busy - use lsof - LiSt Open Files

UNIX to Windows, convert - open the file in WordPad

Userid, create – adduser userid – this will prompt for password, phone #, etc.  useradd is simpler


video settings – xvidtune or edit /etc/X11/XF86Config (comment out lower refresh settings)

Visual Basic – Mono project


webadmin – http:/localhost:10000/

Windows software equivalents / replacements / analogs  in Linux


XF86Config – /etc/X11

XLib: connection to “:0.0” refused by server

XLib: client is not authorized to connect to server

Error: can’t open display: :0.0

Type in: “xhost +” at command line to get:

Access control disabled, clients can connect from any host


