Calendar Widget by Anthony Garrett
comment - //
debug – window.alert(“Hello”);
debug scripts in IE - Microsoft's free
Script Debugger
debug scripts in - Microsoft's
free Script Debugger
null, test for – if x == null
numeric, test for – isNaN(text)
numeric, convert to – parseFloat(text), parseInt(text)
parentheses missing – if IE
complains about missing parentheses that FireFox has no problem with, enclose
all conditions in parentheses. For
example, change
if time1 == null {
if (time1 == null) {
IE's debugger isn't much help here. It merely points to the first line of the
script in question, even if the offending line is later.
regular expressions
set the regular expression
as a variable: var re = /xx/;
apply the regular
expression: new = re.exec(old)
var original=28.453
//round "original" to two decimals
var result=Math.round(original*100)/100 //returns 28.45