<< A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



baby name distribution

birthday, decimal (10,000th day, etc.) – figures your next decimal birthday


conversational cheap shots

crop circles

currency tracker – enter serial number of US currency bill and it tells where it’s been


degree confluence

dictionary of all-vowel words

dive - World Record Highest Dive (Dana Kunze 172 Foot High Dive World Champion)


English, common errors in

expressions and sayings


famous last words

Find-A-Human QuickBase


Google Maps - How Google Builds Its Maps


history trivia and historical events

Honda commercial - clean (Rube Goldstein), Honda’s own site, a little junky with annoying flash, 3, old link expired video but good explanation

See also The way things go (Der Lauf der Dinge)

How Stuff Works

human, find a (instead of trying to navigate phone systems of various companies) - Find-A-Human QuickBase


idioms, explanation of

Isuzu ads





movie clichés



Optical illusions



parallel parking - Hoezo parkeren

powers of 10

prison - 10 Unwritten Rules in Prison

pumpkin carving



religion - animated map shows how religion spread across the world

Rubik’s cube solution


Space Shuttle on the Streets of Los Angeles


temperature and precipitation, measured extremes across the globe

town names, interesting



voice mail jail, escape


watermelon carvings

word origins



These Are The Best Warriors Who Ever Lived

7 Most incredible One Man last stands in History



