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deadly chemicals

5 of the World's Most Dangerous Chemicals

Chlorine trifluoride - corrosive, flammable

Azidoazide Azide - explosive

Dimethylcadmium - toxic

Thioacetone - stinks

Fluoroantimonic acid - superacid 10 quadrillion times stronger than sulfuric acid

Top 5 Deadliest Substances on Earth


Electricity - How Electricity Actually Works

Electrons DO NOT Spin


The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics




We Still Don't Know Why Glass Exists, Here's Why


15 Most Surprising Things You Never Knew About Gold







Magnetic river - Eric Laithwaite


Extreme Materials

25 STRONGEST Materials Known to Man

25 Man-made Things That Are Nearly Impossible To Destroy







"Science Myths" in K-6 Textbooks and Popular culture

The Snowflake Mystery (video)

SpaceX: Why SpaceX is Making Starlink


Tobacco mosaic virus


US electrical system is not 120V



We Still Don't Understand What Water Is, Here's Why



